GlutenTox® ELISA Competitive G12
This is a kit for the determination of the immunotoxic fraction of gluten that is harmful to celiac patients. This test is suitable for the quantification of hydrolyzed gluten in food samples. The new and improved kit features ready-to-use standards resulting in a better test with better reproducibility, better accuracy, and a faster time to results. GlutenTox® ELISA Competitive G12 is the ideal solution for testing gluten in hydrolyzed food samples.
High Sensitivity: Detects low levels of allergen (ppm/ppb/ppt)
Rapid Results: Results in as little as 10 minutes
High Specificity: No cross-reactivity with related allergens
Easy to Use: Simple protocol that is easy to follow
No Lab Equipment Required: Everything you need in one kit
Reliability: Consistent results from test to test
Easy to Interpret: Simple lateral flow - a visible line means positive
Product Information
Brand : Hygiena