manufacture a range of precision Alcoholometers to Australian Standard
AS2371. Each covers a range of 20% alcohol by volume at 20°C, with
subdivisions of 0.2%/vol.. These are commonly used to determine the
concentration of ethanol in the wine and beverage industry.
that ONLY the 20% range conform to the standard, as the standard it does
not allow for 10% ranges. They are still however a popular choice for the
smaller subdivisions of 0.1%/vol.
that an alcoholometer only measures ethanol in water. That is, if there is
sugar or other substances dissolved in the solution, you will not get
accurate alcohol readings. The ethanol must first be distilled out of the
solution and mixed back to the same volume with distilled water. An
alcoholometer can then be used to determine the concentration.
good quality thermometer and an alcohol temperature correction table is
also required to obtain accurate readings. The tables form the bulk of
AS2371, but tables can also be found on the net.