GlutenTox® Sticks Plus for Reader
Designed specifically for food and beverage analysis labs, GlutenTox® Sticks Plus for Reader is a rapid gluten detection kit for foods and drinks. GlutenTox® Sticks Plus for Reader contains the G12 anti-gliadin antibody that specifically recognizes the 33-mer peptide, the gluten fraction that triggers celiac disease. Tests are quantified using Hygiena Cube.
High Sensitivity: Detects low levels of allergen (ppm/ppb/ppt)
Rapid Results: Results in as little as 10 minutes
High Specificity: No cross-reactivity with related allergens
Easy to Use: Simple protocol that is easy to follow
No Lab Equipment Required: Everything you need in one kit
Reliability: Consistent results from test to test
Product Information
Brand : Hygiena